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QOL Tools: Full Collection

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QOL Tools: Full Collection


QOL.. Quality Of Life tools for Blender! 

 for Blender 3.2+

QOL -The Complete Collection.

Rather than one mega-addon that often adds a mass of unwanted "extras" that you never use, confusing and cluttering Blender.. QOL tools each do one thing, and do it great. You can choose the components you want to add, and keep your interface clear.   QOL Stands for "Quality of Life" meaning small footprint addons that make your every day use of Blender that bit smoother. 

Compact, efficient, and user-orientated.

The QOL Complete Collection contains all the addons in the range, all downloadable individually.  As you're buying the collection, they are significantly reduced in price together. 

Note, that when future addons are added to the collection, the price of the will rise, but if you already have it, all future addons will be free for you.  Buy now (or whenever) = forever free extras.

Addons Included:

QOL RingArray:


is an elegant intuitive solution for simply and rapidly creating circular arrays from any source object, light, camera etc.

Ring Array

QOL SmartSmooth:


  Takes the guesswork out of whether "smooth shaded" is going to work as intended. Fixing a myriad of everyday problems with the regular smooth shaded function.  All the while being familar (it's even placed next to the smooth shade option on the right mouse menu). 

Smart Smooth

QOL GridCut:


Designed to aid preparation for certain modifiers. When using many modifiers it's important to have prepared evenly divided geometry. Gridcut comes to the rescue where subdivision so often fails!


QOL QuickBool:


Designed for rapid and easy boolean operations. It adds an option to your standard right click menu which instantly performs booleans, automating setup processes and adding addtional options.


QOL Select Same Vertex Count.

QOL Select Same Vertex Count.

An addition to the selection menu that does exactly what you'd expect. It selects all objects with the same vertex count as your current active object.

QOL GroundObjects:

QOL GroundObjects:

If you need this, you already know what it does!  It's a quality of life thing.  The addon arranges objects to ground either in place, or at world zero.  Either sitting or swimming.  Either as a group or individually.   With pivot placement or just pivots just as they were


Materials Panel:

Materials Panel:

Gives you primarily an overview of all the materials in your scene. Apply, name, create, mass apply and generate.  Cleanup, Purge materials, or even grab objects by material.  There are a plethora of utilities in a simple, clean UI.

Camera Bookmarks:

Camera Bookmarks:

An extremely user friendly camera bookmark system with hotkey and minimal UI access.

Camera Bookmarks

QOL FrameFlipper:

QOL FrameFlipper:

  The FrameFlipper addon is an addition to the timeline bar that allows you to flip between any two keyframes you set without affecting the animation or needing keyframes

Frame Flipper

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